Congratulations to our 2024 Playhouse Winner!
The Molly and Reed Hurt family are thrilled to be the lucky winners. The playhouse promises to bring fun and enjoyment to their backyard for years to come.
Thanks to all who contributed to Piedmont CASA through the raffle. And a special thanks to Julie and Matt Thomas from Hinge Built for designing the playhouse, Rob and James Robertson from Robertson Renovations for their construction, Sun Painting for the beautiful paint, and Cardinal Home Center for generously donating the materials to make it all happen!
Raffle closed on May 17
Built in our front yard!
A climbing wall on the outside, a loft inside, and an inside-outside slide
Take a peek inside!
Designed by Hinge, built by Robertson Renovations, and painted by Sun Painting!
We will deliver the playhouse to the winner at no charge providing the delivery is within a 30-mile radius of the Piedmont CASA office.
Custom built from the ground up
Be a Sponsor!
You'll be helping kids in foster care find safe, permanent homes
Sponsorships of $500 or more will include logo recognition on social media and on our website. All sponsorships help provide advocates and mentors for children in foster care in our community.
Under "Select a campaign:, choose "Playhouse Sponsor 2024" from the dropdown menu.
Don't need a playhouse? Donate it to a foster family in our community.
If you would to participate but don't need a playhouse - simply choose the box that reads: "If my raffle ticket wins, please donate the playhouse to a foster family in our community!"
We are partnering with People Places, a local nonprofit providing an array of foster care, adoption, and community-based services. One of their foster famlies will be the lucky recipient of the playhouse, should your ticket win.
May 2 - 3
Construction of the playhouse on the front lawn of Piedmont CASA
May 3
Raffle tickets go on sale
May 6
Playhouse is painted
May 17
Raffle ticket sales closed.
May 18
Winner announced.
Week of May 20
Playhouse is delivered to the winner.
Architectural Drawings
Proceeds Benefit Children in Foster Care

The children and youth we serve live in and around Charlottesville and are in foster care due to allegations of abuse and neglect. Research shows that boys and girls with CASA Volunteers do better in school, receive more medical and therapeutic support, and spend less time in foster care. It’s not surprising that studies also show that kids with CASA Volunteers have more hope!