EIN: 54-1704064
There are many ways you can help.
By planning regular donations, you provide a steadfast voice for our children and youth. You can choose to give monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually – in any amount that works for you. As a Steadfast Supporter, you provide Piedmont CASA with a forward-looking foundation that enables us to plan better, serve better, do better. Every quarter, you'll receive a window into our work. Along with a brief overview of pertinent facts, the Steadfast Report will contain stories and insights from our kids, Volunteers, Coaches, and staff. Your Steadfast Support gives vulnerable children and youth all across our community the chance to write new stories.
Does your employer have a corporate philanthropy program? If so, you can triple or double your donation because they will match your gift. If you don't know whether your company does or not - ask. You might be surprised.
State employees, remember that you can designate Piedmont CASA to receive your donation through the United Way's Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC). Piedmont CASA's CVC Code is 200129.
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving vehicle administered by a third party that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities. An increasingly popular charitable vehicle, DAFs are an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals.
Have a lasting impact on children’s lives for years to come by donating appreciated stocks, mutual funds, or bonds. It's an efficient way to contribute to Piedmont CASA that can also provide you with significant tax benefits. If you would like to make a gift of stock to Piedmont CASA, please contact our account representative:
James B. Neligan
Branch Manager, Senior Vice President
Wells Fargo Advisors, Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC
(434) 296-7185
A generous gift of real estate helps give every child we serve the opportunity to survive and thrive for years to come — and it can help you. You can give real estate to Piedmont CASA in the following ways:
- An outright gift: When you make a gift of real estate that you have owned longer than one year, you qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction equal to the property's full fair market value. This eliminates capital gains tax.
- A gift in your will or living trust: A gift of real estate through your will or living trust allows you the flexibility to change your mind and the potential to support our work with a larger gift than you could during your lifetime.
To learn more about our CASA Kits for kids, click here.
Our Board of Directors established the Endowment Fund in 2001 so that a percentage of the interest income could be used to ensure that Piedmont CASA programs would continue despite fluctuations in funding. The trials and tribulations of 2020 highlighted the wisdom of this decision.
The financial strain of the pandemic on so many families was clear in hundreds of headlines. Since individual giving is our primary source of income, our bottom line reflected that stress. Having the Endowment Fund to fall back on meant that even in one national crisis after another, our CASA kids never lost the advocacy and guidance of their CASA Volunteers and Bridges Coaches -- thanks to the strong foundation built by our farsighted board and donors. But this resource is not infinite and we do not know what challenges the coming years may bring. If you are interested in a living legacy, please consider a gift to our Endowment Fund. For more information, please contact:
Lexie Boris