Our impact in the community.
Statistics, financials, and the inspiring stories behind them.
News and Newsletters

Graduations Galore - in "The Advocate" newsletter, June edition
17 June 2024. Includes "Turning dreams Into milestones" by Kate Duvall, "Stepping up to keep our kids safe" - stories from our Piedmont CASA Volunteers - and lots more.

Meet Adé Adeleke, our new Bridges to Success Coach
15 May 2024. Adé Adeleke had never heard of Piedmont CASA until she happened to see a flyer promoting the organization on a visit to her local library. Intrigued, she perused its website with an eye toward becoming a CASA Volunteer. But once she spotted a job listing for a Bridges to Success Coach, she changed course.

Goodbye lunch for Bridges Coach Ashlie Muñoz Nieves
4 June 2024. It's been two years since Ashlie joined Piedmont CASA, but her humor, serenity, wisdom and kindness made an indelible mark on the Bridges program, and on the many youth she served. We are sad to see her go, but wish the very best for her new life in North Carolina.

They were only passing through
7 June 2024. These sweet friends were beautifully handmade by the foster mom of a CASA kiddo. We loved having them visit on our sofa - three bears, a puppy, and a sloth - but we knew it was only temporary. Today, Kate took them over to our partner organization, Foothills Child Advocacy Center, so they can brighten hundreds of days for the kids they serve.

PCASA joins 'Give Local Piedmont' campaign for Madison County
14 May 2024. This is an annual one-day fundraiser for all local nonprofits in Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, and Rappahannock. It is hosted by the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation in partnership with the PATH Foundation. This was our first year to participate, and we now have a webpage on their site. Check it out for more details about our work in Madison.

Congratulations to the 2024 winner of the Playhouse Raffle!
May 2024. We are delivering this fabulous, custom-made playhouse to the Molly and Reed Hurt family. It promises to bring fun and enjoyment to their backyard for years to come.
Thanks to all who contributed to Piedmont CASA through the raffle and as sponsors - you raised $11,000 for children and youth in foster care!
And a special thanks to Julie and Matt Thomas from Hinge Built for designing the playhouse, Rob and James Robertson from Robertson Renovations for their construction, Sun Painting for the beautiful paint, and Cardinal Home Center for generously donating the materials to make it all happen!

Piedmont CASA Voices: Protecting the Rights of Parents
3 May 2024. Virginia pays the lowest compensation of all the states for attorneys appointed to represent indigent parents in foster care cases: $120 per petition. Where is the incentive for an attorney to take on such a case? Particularly knowing that the time, effort, and possible consequences involved far outweigh the compensation received. As a result, judges are unable to find attorneys to appoint, parents have little to no effective representation, and the child’s future hangs in the balance...

Kate joins 29 News Community Conversations to talk about the Playhouse Raffle
13 May 2024. With only a few days remaining before the Playhouse Raffle closed - PCASA President Kate Duvall joined Kasey Hott on Community Conversations to talk about it. Could folks still get raffle tickets? Where could they see the playhouse? It's a fun way to support the work of our CASA Volunteers - and some lucky winner will have a custom-made playhouse delivered to their backyard.

Congratulations to 18 new Piedmont CASA Volunteers!
23 April 2024. The Honorable Areshini Pather gave the oath to our newest Piedmont CASA Volunteers: Michelle McClelland, Marta Nammack, Molly Herbst, Andrea Kester, Nicole McGrady, Karen Fox, Sara Scarpino Kerner, Tessa Sansovich, Nikita Rodrigues, Grace Cangialosi, Dan Shybunko, Linda Shybunko, Bernard Fulgham, Garah Luff, and Carolyn Holcomb. Not shown: Cynthia Taylor, Rachel Vere Nicholl, and Clifford Zelen. Welcome aboard!

Five PCASA Volunteers win the Silver Presidential Awards
24 April 2024. Congratulations to the winners of the Silver Presidential Award. You are making the world a better place for children throughout our community. Thank you!

Amelia Walker wins Gold Presidential Award for outstanding service as a PCASA Volunteer
23 April 2024. Amelia is one of 27 Piedmont CASA Volunteers being honored with The President’s Volunteer Service Awards, which go to the most exceptional volunteers in our nation. It honors how their engagement positively impacts our community, and how their examples inspire others to act. Thank you, Amelia!

21 PCASA Volunteers win the Bronze Presidential Service Award
23 April 2024. These are the men and women who go above and beyond to help kids in foster care get through the toughest time of their lives. Thank you for making the world a better place for CASA kids!

We Go Where the Kids Need Us in "The Advocate" newsletter -March edition
March 2024. You never know when we’ll get a call for an emergency removal. When we do, one of the CASA Supervisors drops everything and heads to the courthouse. If it turns out to be a substantiated case of abuse and neglect, we provide a CASA Volunteer. From that day on, the child has someone to stand by them for the entire time they are in foster care...

As part of our Strategic Plan, we asked our stakeholders to take a survey
16 April 2024. We are so grateful to everyone who took the time to complete this survey. The information gathered will help guide us in growing the heart of our mission as we enter our fourth decade of service.

Honoring our Piedmont CASA Volunteers for National Volunteer Appreciation Week
22 April 2024. Piedmont CASA Volunteers are amazing all year round - so for National Volunteer Week, all the members of our staff and board sent messages letting them know how special they are, and how important their advocacy is for kids in foster care.

They did it again!
Jimmy "Magic Man" Miller's Bracket Breakfast for Piedmont CASA was a huge success!
18 March 2024. Jimmy and the team outdid themselves this time! The 9th Annual Bracket Breakfast was a huge success, raising over $100,000 for Piedmont CASA.

CASA Supervisor Phyllis James talks PCASA at the Antioch Baptist Church Missions Banquet
2 March 2024. Phyllis James has been hard at work reaching out to the Madison County community. After introducing the work of Piedmont CASA, she explains how many kids in foster care in their community need advocates, and our need to recruit more CASA Volunteers.

Piedmont CASA Voices: Lend a Helping Hand
19 March 2024. Research has shown that even toddlers still in diapers and barely able to talk can exhibit altruistic behavior. A study of nearly 100 19-month-olds found that children, even when hungry, would give away a snack to an adult stranger in need. This study indicated that not only are infants able to engage in altruistic behavior, but it also suggests that early social experiences can shape altruism...
Spring Training class tours African American History Museum in Madison
22 March 2024. On the last day of the Spring Training session, CASA Supervisor Phyllis James took a group of Volunteers on a tour led by the Madison County African American Historical Association.

Piedmont CASA hosts Common House Black History Tour
27 February 2024. This 2 hour walking tour of Charlottesville’s historic Downtown and Court Square was created with support from Common House social club. The tour focused on the history of the local African American community, race relations, and how events in the past continue to affect the city today. The tour group heard stories of enslaved people, free Blacks, individuals with complex racial identities, segregation, forceful displacements, and Confederate monuments and their removals.
We got a Puppy-Gram for Valentine's Day!
9 February 2024. Lots of smiles and laughter when Animal Connection brought two shy puppies by the office to say hello for Valentine's Day. They even left pet treats for all the fur babies we have at home. In photos: Bridges Coach Gwen Jones, CASA Supervisor Sherri Rosser, Event Coordinator Ann Douglas Irby, and President Kate Duvall.

"Cards for Cubs" donated handmade cards to help CASA kids celebrate birthdays and milestones
9 February 2024. Cards for Cubs donated hundreds of charming handmade cards for PCASA Volunteers and Coaches to share with our children and youth. There's a big variety - something for every personality. CASA Volunteers can just swing by the office and choose their favorites.

Alana Pirrone joins CASA as Office Administrator
27 February 2024. Alana Pirrone has long been a behind-the-scenes fan. As a Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) student more than a decade ago, she started PVCC’s Youth Mentorship Club. One of the club’s activities was to raise money to benefit a local nonprofit. That's when she first learned about Piedmont CASA, and chose us as the beneficiary.

PCASA holds in-person Information Sessions in Greene County
9 January 2024. CASA Supervisors met with men and women at the Greene County Public Library to talk about advocating for children in foster care in their community. These one-hour Information Sessions are the first step to becoming a CASA Volunteer.

Kate Duvall launches expansion into Madison County with kick-off meeting
11 January 2024. Piedmont CASA President Kate Duvall met folks at the Antioch Baptist Church to talk about the Piedmont CASA expansion into Madison County, and the need for CASA Volunteers to advocate for children in foster care. Topics also included plans for a local Advisory Board. It was followed by a Q&A.

Molly McShane joins Piedmont CASA Board
January 2024. For Molly McShane, it’s always been about advocating for children. That’s why, when Piedmont CASA came calling with an invitation to join the board, she said an enthusiastic “yes.” “I’ve long known about CASA,” says Molly, an NYU Law graduate who spent more than three years early in her career advocating for children through the Legal Aid Society in Brooklyn and the Bronx.

James Schoenster joins Piedmont CASA Board
January 2024. When James Schoenster learned from two of his Fluvanna neighbors that Piedmont CASA was planning to begin offering its services in the county, he admits he had never heard of the organization or its mission. But when a dear friend raved about how the child she adopted had benefited from the advocacy of a CASA volunteer, he was intrigued.

Erin Schneider joins Piedmont CASA Board
January 2024. Erin Schneider owes her introduction to Piedmont CASA to her husband. Gabe Schneider, a UVA alumnus and an avid fan of the men’s basketball team, first heard about the Bracket Breakfast, Piedmont CASA’s annual fundraiser, from a close friend and CASA staff member just before the 2018 NCAA March Madness tournament. He just had to attend.

Finding Home for the Holidays in "The Advocate" newsletter - December edition
December 2023. No matter how kind and welcoming foster parents are, it is hard for a foster child to feel at home without their own family. It is even more difficult during the holidays, a time that celebrates family. A child may feel guilty for experiencing joy and laughter with their foster family. It may seem like they are letting their birth parents down, or betraying them. Perhaps they are worried about the struggles their parents are going through, for instance if their mother is homeless and the temperature is biting cold...

PCASA staff celebrate by crafting holiday cheer
19 December 2023. We met at the Pikasso Swig Craft Bar to build snow-capped villages, festive wreaths, and a bit of word play. But the best part was just hanging out, basking in the glow of working with a team who share the same mission: making the world a better place for kids.

Judge Pather inducts 5 new CASA Volunteers from Fluvanna
6 December 2023. Judge Areshini Pather swore them in after applauding their commitment to become Court Appointed Special Advocates. As CASA looks forward to its 30th anniversary of service, it is embarking on a major expansion to provide CASA volunteers for the entire 16th Judicial District. "The first leg of the expansion is Fluvanna County, and these five new volunteers will help us meet that increased need,” states Kate Duvall, president and CEO."

PCASA President Kate Duvall joins Jay James on the Morning News
14 December 2023. Piedmont CASA President Kate Duvall and local celebrity Jay James had a great discussion about the work of CASA Volunteers. To listen, click the button below.
Piedmont CASA Voices: You Can't Read That
15 December 2023. Here’s a statistic for you: The American Library Association reports that there were more attempts to have books removed from schools and public libraries in 2022 than in any prior year THIS CENTURY. In my experience, one of the surest ways to get someone to want to do something is to tell them they can’t. So, if you tell a young person that she cannot read a certain book due to its content, I will bet that her first instinct is to want to see what is so taboo about it....

For 20 years, the folks at Emerson have been making sure CASA kids have gifts for the holidays
13 December 2023. Every year, CASA Supervisor Kati Naess pulls together wish lists from all our CASA kids. Lists in hand, the men and women of Emerson go shopping to make the wishes come true. When the elves have finished their work, CASA Supervisors drive out to get the gaily wrapped packages and pile them in our conference room. Throughout the week, CASA Volunteers drop by to pick up and deliver the gifts for their kids. It's a ritual we love - and it always puts everyone in the holiday spirit. L-R: CASA Supervisors Steve Dufort, Alison Taravella, Kati Naess picking up gifts from Emerson staff.

Thanks to all the angels who make holiday wishes come true for CASA kids
17 December 2023. To Michi Burke, Pender Graves, Annie Izard, Meg Janucik, Rachel Lloyd Miller, Kelly Moore, Whitney Plummer, and Jenn Winslow! Thank you for taking time out of your own holiday to shop and wrap presents for CASA kids!

Piedmont CASA Voices: Our Girls Are Not OK
17 November 2023. Every two years, the Centers for Disease Control conducts a Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The latest one, released in 2021, provided the first look at trends in teen mental health since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Not surprisingly, it found that “teen girls in the United States experienced record high levels of violence, sadness, and suicide risk in recent years, amid ‘significant’ and ‘heartbreaking’ declines in overall youth health and well-being... Read more on our blog:
A look at our impact in the community: the FY23 Annual Impact Report is online
1 December 2023. "He named the country Safe Home Land and drew this flag for it." Just one of the many drawings by kids in this edition of the Impact Report. There are also testimonials from Piedmont CASA Volunteers, a letter from our leaders, stats and highlights about our work, and financials.

We held our first Information Sessions in Fluvanna
6 December 2023. As part of our expansion, we held our first in-person Information Sessions in Fluvanna County, one at noon and one at 6 pm. It's part of our outreach not just to recruit CASA Volunteers, but to let folks know how much Fluvanna County kids need them.

Becky Minor announced as Ruth Stone Advocate of the Year at Volunteer Picnic
24 October 2023. CASA Volunteer Becky Minor was awarded the 2023 Ruth Stone Advocate of the Year! Her CASA Supervisor, Kati Naess, made the announcement at the Volunteer Picnic. Becky has been a CASA Volunteer for 12 years. In that time, she has been an exceptional advocate for eleven boys and girls in the foster care system. You can see more photos from the Volunteer Picnic here:

Congratulations to 11 new Piedmont CASA Volunteers!
15 November 2023. TOP PHOTO: The Honorable Areshini Pather gave the oath to our newest Piedmont CASA Volunteers. They are flanked by Board Chair Crystal Shin on the left and Piedmont CASA President Kate Duvall on the right. The new CASA Volunteers are: William J. Hicks, Carter A. Miller, Valerie J. Palamountain, Betsy T. Brady, Megan E. Horvath, Kacie J. Park, Krista Seiden, Hilary Ritt, Nikki Sheridan, and Jane K. Smith. BOTTOM PHOTO: James Veccio induction on November 29. From left to right: CASA Intern Lily Lynch, CASA Supervisor Kati Naess, Judge Areshini Pather, CASA Volunteer James Veccio, Program Director Leah Cole, and CASA Supervisor Alison Taravella.
Piedmont CASA receives Carbon Crackdown Award
6 October 2023. At Piedmont CASA, our vision is to create a community where every child is able to thrive in a safe, healthy, and loving home. As part of that vision, we must also protect their future by taking care of our planet. We are grateful for the support of @c3climate in helping us to take these steps.
Celebrating the Fall Festival in Louisa County
7 October 2023. When we set up our table in Louisa on Saturday for the Fall Festival, it was chilly and rainy. Even so, kids were lining up at our 'Draw what makes you happy' table - and soon it was a beautiful autumnal day. One group even said our table was 'the best at the festival'! Big thanks to all the Louisa kids who donated their artwork to help tell the story of CASA kids. Kati Naess and Phyllis James are shown in the photos.

Meet Ann Douglas Irby, Piedmont CASA Event Coordinator
18 September 2023. A strong dedication to supporting kids whose basic needs are not being met and a desire to give back to her community have led Ann Douglas Irby to Piedmont CASA, where she has been hired as its first-ever event coordinator.
Ann Douglas and her family live just blocks from CASA’s stately High Street home. She was already familiar with several individuals in the CASA universe...
Edgewood Gardens and Design - still keeping us beautiful
5 October 2023. If you drive down East High Street often, you've probably noticed that our front yard is always blooming beautiful! This indigenous garden is also a habitat that feeds and hosts our pollinators: bees, butterflies, birds, and insects. It is designed and beautifully maintained by Edgewood Gardens and Design. Big thanks for the generosity and talent of Lesslie Jeanes and the Edgewood team!

Girl Scout Troop 623 made presents for CASA kids
17 September 2023. Girl Scout Troop 623 came by the Piedmont Office to put together more than 26 Comfort Cases for kids entering foster care. They are packed with things like blankets, books, coloring books, socks, stuffed animals, shampoo, and more. The Comfort Cases are now at the Piedmont Family Care Closet, founded by CASA Supervisor Kati Naess and a long time Friend of CASA, Jennifer Winslow.

Making art at the Charlottesville Pride Festival
17 September 2023. We set up our table at the Ix Art Park for the Charlottesville Pride Festival. The day was clear, faces were sunny, and kids were drawing up a storm at our booth. We got lots of great artwork to help tell the story of CASA kids.

Piedmont CASA is in Fluvanna! "The Advocate" - September Edition
September 2023. "As of July 1, 2023, we added Fluvanna County to our service area! We stand ready, willing, and able to provide the life-changing advocacy of Piedmont CASA Volunteers for any Fluvanna children who are placed in foster care due to allegations of abuse and neglect..."

Piedmont CASA Voices: Making a List
15 September 2023. "The child welfare system is a rough one to navigate. We know that first-hand. But why do we do it? Why are we so invested in the care of the kids caught up in this quagmire? What are some of the variables that affect the work we do? So many questions, and the answers are just as myriad. In my feeble attempt to insert some meaning (and maybe some fun) into this all-too-often heartbreaking world, here are some lists, guides, and rationales to consider...."

It was a beautiful day in Fork Union
16 September 2023. As part of our expansion tour of new communities, we set up for Fork Union Day. It was a beautiful day for meeting new people!

Lilly Striping & Services donates their time and skill to repaint our parking lot
16 September 2023. It was a beautiful Saturday morning - especially when Rodney and Justin of Lilly Striping & Services donated their time and equipment to paint our parking lot. It looks fabulous!

Kiwanis Club donates housewarming gifts for older youth
21 August 2023. When our young men and women move into their very first apartment, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville makes sure they each get a Comfort Pack - a laundry hamper packed with necessities like pots and pans and towels. L-R: Bridges Coaches Ashlie Muñoz Nieves and Rory Macgregor, Program Director Leah Cole, and Kiwanis Club President Jim Hart.

Meet Phyllis James, our new CASA Supervisor
21 August 2023. Phyllis James did not stumble into her brand-new position as a supervisor for Piedmont CASA. She instead describes her pursuit of the job as a “very intentional process” that started in 2018, shortly after she moved to Charlottesville from Northern Virginia. Her son, WINA radio personality Jay James, suggested she look into the organization because of its excellent reputation in the community. “He mentioned it, and I tucked it away in my brain,” she recalls. “But I didn’t act on it right away...”

Returning to the Palmyra Arts Festival
9 September 2023. Here we are all ready for the Palmyra Arts Festival to open. We attended our first festival in June, just before we started officially serving Fluvanna County on July 1. And now, three months later at our second festival, it was amazing how many more people knew about Piedmont CASA. Thanks, Fluvanna, for making a beautiful day even more beautiful!

Piedmont CASA goes to Madison and Orange
17 August 2023. As part of a 3-year expansion plan, Kate Duvall has been traveling all around Fluvanna, Madison, and Orange to meet the communities and introduce them to Piedmont CASA. She was invited to speak at the August meeting of the Madison Ministerial Association. Here she is shown with Anne West, pastor of Piedmont Episcopal (Madison) and Grace Episcopal (Stanardsville) churches. Rev. West is also a Piedmont CASA Volunteer.

Kate and Leah take PCASA to the Fluvanna County Fair
19 August 2023. On a sunny Saturday, President Kate Duvall and Program Director Leah Cole set up a Piedmont CASA table at the Fluvanna County Fair. It was a chance to meet folks, talk about our expansion, and share stories about the life-changing work of CASA Volunteers. Plus we got some terrific artwork from kids - drawings donated to help us tell the story of CASA kids. Look for them in our Annual Impact Report, coming in November.

Piedmont CASA Voices: What are you reading?
23 August 2023. "I am constantly carrying a book around my house in case I can snatch a few seconds of reading, and the stack of them on my bedside table is downright dangerous.
For a fun diversion, I asked the staff here at Piedmont CASA about some of their favorite books – those they are currently reading, and those that have stayed with them long after finishing. While most of these books have little to do with the mission of Piedmont CASA, we still hope you enjoy our recommendations and add them to your reading list."

Big thanks to the men and women of Emerson for another great year of providing backpacks and supplies for CASA kids!
August 2023. For nineteen years, Piedmont CASA kids have been returning to school with the backpacks and supplies they need because the folks at Emerson have got their back.
From left: CASA Volunteer Michael Richards and CASA Supervisor Stephen Dufort in front of one of the cars they just loaded with backpacks. On the right: Guiman Zhang, one of the Emerson Angels. Not shown: the amazing Connie Conlon and Amy Schanz, project coordinators for Emerson.
UVA SOM volunteers work their magic again!
8 August 2023. Four first-year students at the UVA School of Medicine spent their afternoon working at Piedmont CASA. They painted a much-needed logo on the fence in our parking lot, and put together office furniture for our new CASA Supervisor. The furniture project was more challenging than expected, in part because parts were missing, but they were determined and got the job done. Big thanks to Anuradha Raghu, Sydney Miles, Anna Diederich, and Khalid Elhadi!

CASA Volunteer Casey Werderman is in C-Ville Weekly's Giving Guide
August 17 is National Nonprofit Day. So in the annual Giving Guide published by C-Ville Weekly, Casey Werdermen spoke out about why he is a Piedmont CASA Volunteer. Thank you, Casey, for helping to inspire men and women in our community to become life-changing advocates for children and youth in the foster care system!

Fluvanna Review writes story on PCASA's need for Volunteers
21 July 2023. As part of our 3-year expansion plan, President Kate Duvall is introducing Piedmont CASA to men and women throughout Fluvanna. She gave a presentation at July’s virtual meeting of the local progressive club, the Lefty Lunch Ladies, and the Fluvanna Review was there. Fluvanna is the first phase of our expansion, Madison is phase 2, and Orange is phase 3.

Kid's Choice Playhouse featured in C-Ville Weekly's Summer Abode magazine
Summer 2023. In April, the folks at Piedmont CASA were looking for a way to raise money that didn't simply involve collecting donations. What they came up with - a professionally designed playhouse chosen by kids - was an unconventional approach, but right in line with their mission.
The story is on pages 16-17.

Piedmont CASA Voices: The Supreme Court in Action
“Our Supreme Court has been busy lately, hasn’t it? Were you following the big decisions that came down last term? There were three that caused major waves around the country and in the news – a ruling that ends affirmative action in higher education; one to kill President Biden’s plan to cancel student loan debt; and a decision that affects gay rights....”
Kiwanis Cozy Packs
13 July 2023. Remember how much you had to buy when you were setting up your first apartment? All the essentials from pots and pans to towels to bedding. It adds up fast. That's why the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville came up with Cozy Comforts - fabulous starter kits for young people in our Bridges to Success program. Thank you, Kiwanis!
Kati and Alison at the Madison County Fair
12 July 2023. CASA Supervisors Kati Naess and Alison Taravella set up our tent and table at the County Fair to start introducing Piedmont CASA to the folks in Madison. They were touched to see the hot air balloon painting honoring the late Judge Edward Berry, a longtime fixture in the courts for kids.

Kate on NBC29 Community Connections
24 July 2023. Piedmont CASA President Kate Duvall was on NBC29 to talk about our need for more CASA Volunteers in our current service area: Charlottesville, Albemarle, Greene, and Louisa. Kate also announced our 3-year expansion into Fluvanna, Madison, and Orange - and our need to recruit men and women from those communities to become child advocates. Find out more about becoming a CASA Volunteer at pcasa.org.

The Events Coordinator Position Has Been Filled
POSITION DESCRIPTION: The Events Coordinator is responsible for the management and coordination of fundraising, awareness, recruitment, and recognition events at Piedmont CASA. This position will also be responsible for marketing and staffing events. The Events Coordinator will work in coordination with the Program Director, Advancement Director, and President.
This is a part-time, salaried position with an opportunity for advancement as the organization expands its service area.

A Time to Grow
"As best interest advocates for children, how can Piedmont CASA turn a blind eye to the needs of children in our neighboring communities? It is in those children’s best interest that we expand our service area to include their home counties. They must have a voice throughout their foster care journey. So, with the support and approval of the presiding Judges, other professionals in the child welfare system, community members, and our Board of Directors, Piedmont CASA intends to roll-out coverage to these three additional counties in phases, beginning with Fluvanna."
The Advocate: Quarterly Editions
- The Advocate - June 2024
- The Advocate - March 2024
- The Advocate - December 2023
- The Advocate - September 2023
- The Advocate - June 2023
- The Advocate - March 2023
- The Advocate - December 2022
- The Advocate - September 2022
- The Advocate - June 2022
- The Advocate - March 2022
- The Advocate - December 2021
- The Advocate - September 2021
- The Advocate - June 2021
Vintage Annual Spring Editions
- Newsletter - Spring 2020 (online)
- Newsletter - Spring 2019 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2018 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2017 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2016 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2015 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2014 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2013 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2012 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2011 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2010 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Spring 2009 (pdf)
- Newsletter - Summer 2008 (pdf)
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